Oct2006 26

EA says No More Stats from BF2142Tracker.comBF2142Tracker.com reports "I have received a letter from EA/IGN and they asked me to disable the stats services. I am not allowed to collect stats anymore."

Good one EA. Thanks for killing the ONLY available service for tracking your stats in Battlefield 2142 with your buddies and clan.

The stats site went on to say "I am really sorry for this. I hoped to get access to stats soon (in BF2 it worked very well), but now we have to make a longer pause and wait for their decision and the official stats-feed for us (if we will ever get it; I don't believe it anymore after I read our forums today and saw the new 'official stats' website from EA ...)".

Update 28/10: In the meantime, head on over and Sign the EA Stat Petition.

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