Apr2005 03

Well I decided to make the site live this morning - so here it is. This
is the new site switched from Nucleus (Kubrick Theme) to Mambo
(Kubrick-ported Theme with Sikosis customizations). Whilst, I'm finding
Mambo pretty strange to get around, I'm still finding it pretty
customizable. It's just PHP and MySQL after all, but I find the loading
of components to be a complete pain in the ass.

As you'll see there is currently no News Archive, as there is no
component to do this in Mambo, pretty slack eh ? I found quite a few
people asking for the feature, with no responses, so I'll be working on
something that does the job soon. I'm also working on a component
maker, so that it make things easier when creating components, as I'll know doubt have to
create lots of them over the course of this year.

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