Sep2008 02

Go Chroming with Google !Google has launched their forray into the web browser space with Chrome.

In the world according to Google, "Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier".

It's basically WebKit (Safari) with a newer optimized Javascript engine (turns it into machine code) -- making Web 2.0, which rely heavily on Javascript, to run alot faster. It also comes with some nice sandboxing features and pr0n surfing mode errr ... I mean Incognito mode. ;)

In my tests, I haven't had an issue with it yet and it's nice to know that they will be open sourcing it in the near future -- however, I do miss some of my favourite Firefox extensions (Web Developer, Showcase, Fox Clocks) and that's enough to keep me in FF land for the time being.

Side Note: I reckon Chrome could be a nice fit for Haiku.

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