Nov2009 01

More than 10,000 buy Windows 7 Burger"The Windows 7 Burger was a collaborative effort between Microsoft and Burger King to promote both companies in Japan for the Windows 7 release. The burger contains a whopping 7 layers of beef, which measures to a 12cm (5-inch) tower. The first 30 burgers were sold for 777 yen ($8.55 USD). Any Windows 7 burger after the first 30 were sold for 1450 yen ($16 USD). The burger contains a total of 2120 calories, which is almost a day’s worth of calories for most people!

According to TIME, the burger joint sold over 10,000 of these burgers since October 30th. Considering that there are only 15 Burger Kings in all of Japan and the obvious fact that this burger is probably not too healthy, this is an impressive number."

Ughh ... not even I'd attempt to eat that.

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