Google Scribe
Posted In Google |
This morning I tried out Google Scribe, which is this tool that autocompletes as you type. It can be added to your browser via a bookmarklet to use it everywhere or if you just want to test it out you can visit
It has been criticized for producing clichés as the text used is based on previously published material. It's a little wacky and takes a little getting use to, I even wrote this post using it. It'll be interesting to see how it people used it and whether or not it has any traction.
I must say it's very annoying having to press the ESC key all the time. It would have be better if it wouldn't automatically highlight and use a word or phrase when I press SPACE, when I want a SPACE not the word that scribe has suggested. I also had to fix up some of the grammer mistakes it had generated, so you're probably not going to be writing your essay or assignments with this.